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Serial Bad Weddings 2 (Qu'est-ce qu'on a encore fait au bon Dieu?)

Serial Bad Weddings 2

Qu'est-ce qu'on a encore fait au bon Dieu?

Getting used to their Chinese, African, Jewish and Arab sons-in-law wasn’t easy for Catholic Claude and Marie Verneuil, but their daughters’ happiness and grandchildren have helped. Now the four young couples plan to leave France for Israel, India, Algeria and China, where they believe the weather is nicer and there are no strikes. Devastated, Claude and Marie come up with a plan to show them just how priceless France and a united family are. This sequel to the 2014 hit film is a hilarious comedy with a big heart.


  • Rating


  • Director

    Philippe de Chauveron

  • Cast

    Élodie Fontan, Christian Clavier, Ary Abittan, Julia Piaton