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Experience new ideas and new scripts derived from the community:
Act 1 Torn Apart by War by Vic Alhadeff
Torn Apart by War is the compelling true story about two people whose lives were turned upside-down by war and misunderstanding. If things had gone according to plan, everything would have been so different. The drama takes place against the backdrop of the Greek island of Rhodes.
Act 2 Letter of Loss and Refuge - based on Rudolf Schwab’s letters (sponsored by B'nai Brith)
In 2009 Rudolf Schwab’s letters were discovered by his grandson Daniel, in a forgotten trunk in the garage of the family home.We are taken on a powerful and poignant journey of insight into Rudolf's struggles as a refugee, his displacement, loss of family, reconnection with those who survived and his surprising relationship with his German friend, Karl, a war-wounded Nazi.
Sun 3 April, 4:30pm
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